Thank You 2022!
Thankful & Grateful for everything...
The year is behind us and what a year that was...
Let's just share some of the achievements, events and other things that we have done over the past 9 months... :)
Where should we start? The easiest thing is to start from the start...
The year started with Bob'C deciding to move from being a part-time motorcycle designer doing it as a hobby and someone who was there just to do a 'bit around the bikes' to a full-on Professional Motorcycle Designer and Builder and have one of his motorcycles voted in 10 best motorcycles in the world and the only one from the UK! So, WOW!!!
Then the year continued in an even more exciting way when we got our new website built and our social media organised. So, we were able to showcase to the world what we can do, what we have and what we can offer!
For more info, you can check these links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BOBC.CustomMotorcycles/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bobc.custommotorcycles/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@sloboleon1
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/bobc_custommotorcycles/
After that our year continued in a fast manner, by being featured in a couple of different international magazines and attending numerous national and international events.
To name some:
> Bikeexif
This article was liked by over 7.5K people and shared over 7K times, too.
> Bike Shed Moto Show London
> Bel Air Cylce Worx
> The Road to Great Yarmouth
Visit Great Yarmouth Wheels Festival
> S Hook Artwork
> The Malle Mile Festival 2022
The Art of Machine: Bike EXIF alumni at the 2022 Malle Mile | Bike EXIF
> Bigtwin Magazine
> Kickback Motorbike Show
> Xtreme Bikes Magazine
> Bigtwin Bike Show & Expo
> Tomboy_a_bit
> Winter Blast 2022 Event by Boyds of Bedford
> Top 10 Most Popular BikeEXIF Cycles of 2022!
Revealed: The top 10 custom motorcycles of 2022 | Bike EXIF
As you can see a very busy and successful year is behind us! We are looking forward to this year and all the good stuff that will come out of it!
Our workshop is not big, but we do have a Huge Heart, Great Mind, Amazing Craftmanship and a Particular Set Of Custom Skills that will 'knock your socks off' when you see our motorcycles.
Once again we welcome you to our website, and please enjoy our blogs.
BOB'C Custom Motorcycles Team